Physically Strong, Mentally Awake, Morally Straight
From the document:
This evaluation process is used to systematically identify, assess, and resolve hazards associated with program activities that support the vision, mission, and goals of the Boy Scouts of America. An analysis should be conducted for new program activities, for modifications to or expansions of existing activities, or for existing program activities with newly recognized hazards.
Scouters should refer to this document, and the last page which includes a printable form (also listed as a separate link in this post), when considering participating in new, modified, or existing activities. Scout leaders and risk managers in the unit should refer to this guide regularly.
You can download the Program Hazard Analysis guide here: Program Hazard Analysis 680-009
You can download the fillable form here: Program Hazard Analysis – 680-009_form
#680-009 #Forms #Outdoor activities #Progam hazard analysis #Resources #risk management