Outdoor Activity Templates and Workbooks

Outdoor Activity Tracking Workbook

For Scouts and Scouters wishing to track advancements for various activities related to camping, hiking, and backpacking, I have a created a tracking workbook in Excel that cross-references the advancements.

For the latest version of this Workbook, and to download a copy, click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FxpVhsuGlzIb0fvaK3sZhb-0LWw6zCgt/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112827243103812723431&rtpof=true&sd=true

Backpacking Gear List Planner & Weight Calculator

For Scouts and Scouters planning their gear loads for the next backpacking trip, 99boulders.com has created this great gear list planning and weight calculator. I have added caveats for Scouts BSA weights based on Philmont guidelines. I do not have an offline version at this time so if you download the spreadsheet you will receive calculation errors. This is planned for a future version.

To view the document and the fields, click here. Note that you cannot input values in view-only mode: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A1Jf-iNBU1fQXXy7oYmEbRv2EFaJ5fp3YpDr-wsnGYo/edit?usp=sharing

To edit the document and the fields in order to calculate the appropriate weight for your scout, click here. Note that you must have a Google account to input values as this is a Google Sheets-integrated worksheet. If you do not have a Google account, you can create one for free or contact a Troop leader who can work with you to input the values.

Our public templates for outdoor activities can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mOeE3qeD3rg-IQtxBRwoiEUCKFJ8uNvi?usp=sharing

BSA URLs: https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/outdoor-ethics/

BSA (old): https://outdoorethics-bsa.org/FAQs.shtml

(Admin note: if updating this post also update https://www.bsatroop3.com/oarc-outdoor-activity-tracking-workbook/)